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Tostadas de boniato / Sweet potato toast

Batatas, 3 u / Sweet potatoes, 3u

Cúrcuma, 1 cda / Turmeric, 1 tbsp

Aceite de oliva, 1 cda / Olive oil, 1 tbsp

Mix de hierbas, 1 cda / Herb mix, 1 tbsp

Queso de cabra, a gusto / Goat cheese, to taste

Pasas de uva, a gusto / Raisins, to taste

Miel, a gusto / Honey, to taste

Nueces pecan, c/n / Pecan nuts, c/n

+ aceite de oliva, a gusto / + olive oil, to taste

Crackers veganas Craize a gusto / Vegan crackers Craize to taste

Pelar y cortar las batatas en rodajas.

Mezclar la cúrcuma el aceite de oliva y el mix de hierbas y condimentar todas las batatas con esto.

Llevar a una fuente de horno y cocinar a 200ºC durante 45 minutos hasta que queden bien crocantes.

Untar con queso de cabra, colocar pasas, nueces, miel y aceite de oliva como toppings a gusto.

Coronar con crackers, yo usé mis favoritas de la marca Craize, que son veganas y gluten free.



Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into slices.

Mix the turmeric, olive oil and herb mix and season all the sweet potatoes with this.

Transfer to a baking dish and cook at 200ºC (400 F) for 45 minutes until they are crispy.

Spread with goat cheese, place raisins, nuts, honey and olive oil as toppings to taste.

To top with crackers, I used my favorites from the Craize brand, which are vegan and gluten free.

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